Sports Orthopaedics

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Sports conditions, treatments and procedures

Our team of orthopaedic surgeons are experienced in treating damage to bones, ligaments, muscles or tendons as the result of a sporting injury. Particularly common in contact sports such as football and rugby, sports injuries can also occur in most recreational activities that require a pivoting or rotating movement. With a combination of specialist expertise, advanced surgical technology and multi-disciplinary team care, our aim is to return you to full mobility back at your physical best.

Common sporting injuries include ligament and muscle strains such as Achilles tendonitis or a torn ACL, as well as rotator cuff injury, knee injury, concussion, joint dislocation or fracture. Different sports can present different injury types and complications. 

orthopaedics sports injuries running pain
orthopaedics sports injuries patient pain

Injury symptoms are often accompanied by severe and sudden pain, swelling, visible bumps and instability. Acute sports injuries usually occur in contact sport as the result of sudden accident or trauma, whereas chronic sports injuries are longer term problems where the injury has not completely healed. Concussion symptoms can appear immediately or develop later, and patients should get medical clearance before any sport resumes.

Our specialist orthopaedic team have extensive experience in the upper and lower body as well as the head and neck. Depending on the injury, patients are referred to the appropriate specialist for diagnosis and treatment. At St Vincent’s Private Hospitals, we are committed to supporting patients at every step of their healthcare journey through surgical excellence, outstanding facilities and patient-centred care.

I have a sporting injury, what are my next steps?

Talk to one of our dedicated sports specialists who will help diagnose your condition and explain the best treatment options available to you.

Pain is the most immediate symptom of a sporting injury, and an indication that something is wrong. Recurring pain, tenderness, stiffness, weakness and swelling are all common symptoms but do not always require a doctor. 

If you have been experiencing persistent or recurring symptoms that do not respond to medication or rest, the first step is to make an appointment with your GP. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms and may suggest further testing such as an ultrasound, X-ray or magnetic imaging (MRI) to diagnose the condition. 

Once your doctor has confirmed the results, you will be referred to an orthopaedic shoulder specialist for a consultation at your St Vincent’s Private Hospital of choice, where you can discuss all the available treatment options.

orthopaedics sports injuries specialist diagnosis bandage wrap

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