
Our anaesthetists offer expert anaesthesia for every type of procedure

St Vincent’s Private Hospitals offer a wide range of Anaesthetic related services, for details of the Anaesthetic services at your local St Vincent’s Private Hospital, click here.

Your anaesthetist will discuss and explain your options for anaesthesia for your procedure

Before you undergo surgery, one of our anaesthetists will meet with you to plan the type of anaesthetic that’s most appropriate. This may happen on the day of your surgery or prior to your procedure via face to face or telephone appointment.  

Once in the operating theatre, your anaesthetist will administer the anaesthetic and will continue to monitor you throughout the surgery. The anaesthetist will monitor your vital signs and adjust the anaesthetic as necessary. 

For a simple surgery this may involve monitoring your heart, blood pressure and oxygen levels. For more complex surgery, your anaesthetist may be responsible for providing more advanced support.

Our anaesthetists

Our anaesthetists are specialist doctors who will provide anaesthesia for your operations and procedures.

After your procedure, your anaesthetist will oversee your recovery whilst you are in the recovery area or post anaesthetic care unit (PACU). 

We have anaesthetists with interests and expertise in all aspects of anaesthesia.

Types of anaesthesia

Please check your relevant hospital below for their specific services. **Not all services are available at all hospitals.

There are 3 main types of anaesthesia. Your anaesthetist will explain the recommended type of anaesthesia for your procedure, taking into account your health and age.

Local anaesthesia

This is used to numb a small part of the body and it’s mainly used for minor procedures. 

Regional anaesthesia

This is used to numb a larger area of the body. Women in labour are often given ‘epidural’ anaesthesia to numb the pain. Some surgeries on the lower parts of the body and limbs can be performed with regional anaesthesia, which is often combined with conscious sedation. Conscious sedation involves the administration of intravenous sedation, but allows you to continue to breathe by yourself.

General anaesthesia

For most surgeries, your anaesthetist will likely  give you a general anaesthetic. This often starts with putting a cannula in your arm to infuse a drug that makes you feel sleepy.

Anaesthetists at work in an operating theatre

This information is of a general nature, which may not be relevant to you. Any surgery or invasive procedure carries risk. We encourage you to speak with your doctor about your condition.

Find a hospital near you offering anaesthetics services

Here at St Vincent's, our anaesthetics services are provided by locally based anaesthetics practices which have supported doctors and patients in Melbourne for many years. These specialist anaesthetists provide professional medical care across all surgical specialities. The teams are happy to provide any help patients may require regarding their anaesthetic services.

Your surgeon will recommend an anaesthetist.

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With a greater choice of treatment options now available close to home, it’s easier, faster and more convenient to manage your medical and surgical needs locally.

As a new hospital we provide state of the art facilities including the latest in technology to assist in your procedures and ongoing care.

Our Department of anaesthesia offer expert anaesthesia for every type of surgery and procedure undertaken at St Vincent’s Private in Griffith.

Your surgeon will recommend an anaesthetist.

Contact Us

Here at St Vincent's, our anaesthetics services are provided by locally based anaesthetics practices which have supported doctors and patients in Melbourne for many years. These specialist anaesthetists provide professional medical care across all surgical specialities. The teams are happy to provide any help patients may require regarding their anaesthetic services.

Your surgeon will recommend an anaesthetist.

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At St Vincent’s Private Hospital Northside, we have an experienced and higly-qualified group of anaesthetists with exerptise and experience in perioperative assessment and management, general anaesthesia, sedation and regional anaesthesia.

Our anaesthetists play an important role within the surgical team and work closely with other Specialists, Surgerons and Theatre Nurses across the nine operating theatres at St Vincent’s Private Hospital Northside.

Your surgeon will recommend an anaesthetist.

Find details of our anaesthetists here

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At St Vincent’s Private Hospital Sydney, we have an experienced and highly-qualified group of anaesthetists with expertise and experience in perioperative assessment and management, general anaesthesia, sedation and regional anaesthesia.

Our anaesthetists play an important role within the surgical team and work closely with other specialists and theatre nurses.

Your surgeon will recommend an anaesthetist.

Find details of our anaesthetists here

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Here at St Vincent’s our anaesthetics services are provided by locally based anaesthetics practices who have supported surgeons and patients in Toowoomba for many years.

These specialist anaesthetists provide professional medical care across all surgical specialities.
The teams are happy to provide any help patients may require regarding their anaesthetic service.

Your surgeon will recommend an anaesthetist. 

Find details of our anesthesics specialists here

Contact Us

Here at St Vincent's, our anaesthetics services are provided by locally based anaesthetics practices which have supported doctors and patients in Melbourne for many years. These specialist anaesthetists provide professional medical care across all surgical specialities. The teams are happy to provide any help patients may require regarding their anaesthetic services.

Your surgeon will recommend an anaesthetist.

​Contact Us
The Mater Hospital is a leading private hospital renowned for its quality care and compassion. We take a holistic approach to healthcare and acknowledge the uniqueness of every patient to create a healing environment that is second to none.

For over 105 years we have worked in partnership with our patients and their families. Our experienced team of healthcare professionals, care givers and support staff are equipped to provide the highest level of therapeutic, medical and surgical services. Our facilities include 15 operating theatres, cardiac procedure rooms and an endoscopy suite, ensuring our staff can work together effectively for your safety, wellbeing and recovery.

For some treatments, an anaesthetist will be responsible for administering the appropriate anaesthetic and  monitoring the well-being of your vital signs. They are a crucial part of a surgical team and many of our doctors work closely with anaesthetists that they trust to look after their patients. At the Mater Hospital, they are highly trained in advanced life support and specialists in both emergency and non-emergency cases.

Your surgeon will recommend an anaesthetist.

Find details of our anesthetists here

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