Our Volunteers
Volunteers play an important role in the smooth running of our hospitals
St Vincent’s Private Hospitals offer a wide range of volunteer related services, for details of the volunteer services at your local St Vincent’s Private Hospital, click here.
Our hospital volunteers add a personal touch and have a love for helping others
Our volunteers provide patients with a personal touch whilst working side by side with our staff.
They enhance the spirit within our hospitals and work hard to help make people’s hospital stay more comfortable and less stressful.
Their smiling faces add colour and vibrancy to our hospital culture.
Our volunteers
While our volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds and life experiences, they all have three things in common: a desire to be useful in their community, to help others in need and to make a difference.
How our volunteers help
Volunteers perform a number of important roles, including:
- Guiding patients and escorting visitors around the hospital
- Arranging and placing flowers in patient rooms
- Providing support to our renal and chemotherapy patients
Apply to be a volunteer
If you would like to volunteer your time, simply download, print and complete the Volunteer Application Form.
Once scanned and returned, your information will be sent to the relevant Volunteer Coordinator from one of our hospitals who will contact you.
View the St Vincent’s Private Hospitals Charter for Volunteering here.
Find a hospital near you offering volunteer opportunities
Contact Us
We have a large group of committed volunteers who help in many ways. They meet and greet patients, guide patients and visitors around the hospital and attend to patients during their stay. They also become involved in marketing activities, hospitality and general administration. Our volunteers belong to our specialty teams partnering to give our patients and their families compassion and excellent care.
Please contact us at mission.mailbox@svha.org.au or alternatively contact the SVPHM Volunteer Co-ordinator on (03) 9928 6938.
Contact Us
We have a large group of committed volunteers who help in many ways. They meet and greet patients, guide patients and visitors around the hospital and attend to patients during their stay. They also become involved in marketing activities, hospitality and general administration. Our volunteers belong to our specialty teams partnering to give our patients and their families compassion and excellent care.
Please contact us at mission.mailbox@svha.org.au or alternatively contact the SVPHM Volunteer Co-ordinator on (03) 9928 6938.
Contact Us
Contact Us
St Vincent’s Private Hospital Sydney volunteers are a diverse group of people who bring a range of skills and experience to the hospital. There are many ways a volunteer can contribute to the hospital.
For more information, email our Volunteer Services Manager, James Cutcliffe: james.cutcliffe@svha.org.au
Contact Us
Contact Us
St Vincent’s Private Melbourne has a large group of committed volunteers who help in many ways. They guide patients and visitors around the hospital and arrange and place flowers. They may also become involved in marketing activities, hospitality and general administration.
Become a St Vincent’s volunteer
Volunteering can be a rewarding and enriching experience. In exchange for your time, as a volunteer you will meet new people and contribute to the community by helping others.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at our hospital, please contact us at mission.mailbox@svpm.org.au or alternatively at the below address and phone number.
Coordinator of Hospital Volunteers
St Vincent's Private Hospital Fitzroy
59 Victoria Parade
Fitzroy Vic 3065
Tel: 03 9411 7111
Contact Us
The Mater volunteers are a diverse group of people who bring a range of skills and experience to the hospital. There are many ways a volunteer can contribute to the hospital and volunteer roles include patient escorting duties; looking after renal patients and chemotherapy patients; tending to patients’ flowers; delivering newspapers and operating the library trolley.
Amongst our many volunteers, it is not uncommon to hear uplifting stories about their own experience as patients within the hospital. The glowingly positive stories of the high level of care they experienced ultimately inspired some to return and give back to the hospital as a volunteer.
Contact Us
Volunteers can make a real difference in the smooth functioning of the hospital. Almost anyone can be a volunteer, and it can be a rewarding experience.
Our volunteers help us in a variety of important ways. Some interact directly with patients, their families, and visitors. Others are active behind the scenes, and help us with raising funds, marketing activities or administrative support.
We are looking for more volunteers at St Vincent's Private Hospital Toowoomba. If you're interested, email TOvolunteering@svha.org.au and our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch with you.
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