A/Prof Isaac Goncalves
Languages: English
- Haematology
St Vincent’s Private Hospital Fitzroy, VIC
Suite 11, Level 3
Private Medical Centre
The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Royal Parade
Parkville VIC 3050
T: (03) 9342 7789
F: (03) 9342 8500
A/Prof Isaac Goncalves is a haematologist whose areas of interest include both malignant and benign haematology, with a specific focus on clotting and bleeding disorders.
A/Prof Goncalves graduated from the University of Melbourne and completed specialist clinical and laboratory haematology training at the Alfred Hospital. He was the recipient of the Monash University postgraduate excellence award to complete his PhD in the field of platelets and thrombosis. This work resulted in a number of peer-reviewed publications in high-standing medical journals, including Nature Medicine.Isaac remains actively involved in research, as a principal investigator in research studies and clinical trials at Peter MacCallum Cancer centre and The Royal Melbourne Hospital.