St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Toowoomba provides classes for our expecting families, preparing them for labour, natural birth, caesarean birth and early parenting and more.
Maternity classes
Our online classes prepare expecting parents for labour, birth and caring for their newborn. The classes are presented by experienced midwives who will take you through stages of labour, pain strategies, caesarean section, tests and routines while at the hospital, newborn patterns of behaviour, transition to parenting and more.
After you pay the fee, you will receive login details for the online classes. These online classes are self-paced modules, not Zoom calls.
Small group classes
Our midwives conduct regular small group antenatal, childbirth and parenting education classes.
- Parenting Program Weekend Workshop
One weekend per month. Workshop is a full weekend- Saturday and Sunday 8:15am - 3:30pm each day. - Caesarean Section Education Class
One Saturday per month from 8:15am - 3:30pm.
Classes are popular, so please book early to avoid disappointment. Tell your midwife at the time of booking into hospital that you wish to attend these classes.
Our parenting program is informal and interactive and is designed to answer your questions regarding:
- Preparing for the birth of your baby
- Parenting skills
- Baby’s needs
- Meeting nutritional needs of your baby.
Please contact your health insurer to find out if the cost of the online or small group classes are covered under your policy.
Baby CPR and first aid course
We recommend that parents undertake a first aid course to learn the life-saving skills of CPR and first aid for babies.
Visit or search for local providers.
Watch our online tour
Find out where to park and what to do when you arrive at the hospital. Look inside a birthing suite including the beautiful bath. Inspect our operating theatre where babies are delivered by caesarean. Check out our modern, comfortable rooms.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact the Toowoomba Maternity Team.
22 - 36 Scott Street, Toowoomba, 4350
Ph: (07) 4690 4000