The facilities in the St Vincent Private Hospital, Toowoomba Dorothea Devine Maternity Unit are modern and comfortable and include 22 private rooms with ensuites.
We look forward to welcoming you to our maternity unit.
Within the unit we have 4 labour wards, 2 assessment rooms and a 3-bed recovery area for post-caesarean care.
All maternity areas are located on the ground floor of the facility, accessible via Entrance 1 (off Scott Street). After-hours access is via Entrance 6 (Emergency Department).
Tours of the Dorothea Devine Maternity Unit are only available online, via the video below.
Toowoomba Maternity Ward Guided Tour
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact the Toowoomba Maternity Team.
22 - 36 Scott Street, Toowoomba, 4350
Ph: (07) 4690 4000