Toowoomba Maternity
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
If this is your first pregnancy, you probably have lots of questions and it’s hard to know where to look for the right answers. Here are answers to some of the questions most frequently asked by our expectant mothers. If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to call our midwives who will be only too happy to help.
Planning for Pregnancy
No, you don’t need to have private health insurance to give birth in a private maternity hospital. Many mothers choose to be self-funded and pay the full out-of-pocket costs.
If you’re planning to be self-funded, your estimated hospital expenses must be paid on admission. Any additional costs incurred during your stay are payable on discharge.
In Australia, our public hospitals offer a safe and affordable option for pregnancy care and birth. If you choose a public hospital, midwives will look after you during pregnancy and birth. Doctors are on hand to help with any complications.
You may be lucky and get to stay in a private room but many rooms are shared. You’ll normally stay 1 or 2 days.
If you have a Medicare card, most of the costs will be covered.
In a private hospital you’ll have your choice of obstetrician for your pregnancy care and they will attend the birth, as long as they’re available.
Most private hospitals offer well-appointed private rooms with ensuites, room service and other services at no extra cost.
If you are a member of a health fund, it is important to check the following prior to your hospital admission:
1. Your health fund will cover the cost of your obstetric admission and accommodation.
2. How long you have been with your fund? If you have been a member of your health fund for less than 12 months, your fund may not accept liability for the costs of admission.
3. Pharmacy, pathology, imaging and x-rays may attract additional charges. Check if your fund covers any of these.
4. Medical and allied health practitioner fees may be billed separately by the practitioners. These are not included in the estimate from the hospital.
Toowoomba Maternity FAQs
The time you can anticipate staying in hospital will vary according to your clinical condition. For an uncomplicated vaginal birth, you are able to go home any time after two nights following birth until 10am on day four, and from three nights stay until day five for a routine caesarean delivery. If there are clinical indications requiring a longer stay, you will be advised of this as soon as possible.
If your baby requires admission to the Special Care Nursery, and may need to stay longer than you, your own admission will be for the period that is relevant to your own clinical condition.
You may be ready for discharge before your baby and, should this be the case, you will be discharged as a patient at that time.
1. Check with your health fund to ensure that you are covered for your stay. Also check if your baby is covered by your health fund should your baby require admission to the Special Care Nursery.
2. You are able to book for your stay online. Go to and select Online Admission.
3. You can also contact our Admission Staff on 1800 655 099 to book in for your stay. During this call, you will be given an estimate of the out-of-pocket expenses for your stay and we will make an appointment for a pre-admission health interview with a midwife.
Please ensure you have the following information on hand before you call:
- Medicare Card
- Private Health Insurance details which includes your table or level of cover
- Pension Card/Health Benefits Card
- Pharmacy Benefits Card/Safety Net Card
- Request for Admission Form (a blue form)
For security reasons, the main entrance to the hospital is not accessible after 8pm. After this time you will need to access the hospital via our Emergency Centre, Entrance 6, off Herries Street. On arrival at the Emergency Centre you will be directed to the Dorothea Devine Maternity Unit.
Yes they are. Please let your midwife know if you would like your partner or support person to stay with you. A daily fee will be charged to cover the overnight accommodation for partners. Please note that these fees are not refundable from your Health Insurer.
Meals can also be supplied (additional costs apply).
Partners are not permitted to stay in the shared patient rooms. If you are in a shared room and you elect to stay in a private room to enable a partner to stay with you, you will be required to pay the difference in cost for a private room, if this is not covered by your Health Insurer. Only one partner/support person is permitted to stay per room for occupational health and safety reasons. Children may not stay over under any circumstance.
Partners are required to complete a registration form if they stay overnight. These should be completed at front Reception at Entrance 1. The form ensures your partner understands the conditions under which they are staying and also ensures that the hospital complies with our emergency evacuation procedures and can account for partners in an emergency.
It is important your partner or support person remember they are staying in a hospital environment. Patients and babies wake, require care and feed often during the night and during these times staff may need to turn on lights to provide appropriate care. We ask that partners make every endeavour to ensure hospital routines are not interrupted.
Yes, you will be visited regularly by your doctor during your stay in hospital. They will recommend if your baby is to be seen by a Paediatrician during your stay.
On weekends, the doctor who is “on call” may see you and your baby if required.
Our Food Services Department provides full room service for all meals including snacks. You are able to order what you like, when you like.
Each meal is cooked fresh to order and delivered within 45 minutes. You are also able to pre-order your meal and have it delivered at a specific time. This service is available from 6.30am to 6.30pm. If you have special food requirements, our Room Service Assistants will guide you through the menu choices. Partners may also order meals from room service for a small charge, which will be added to your account.
To place a room service order please call Ext: 3663.
Our birthing suites provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the birth of your baby. The suites are spacious and feature ensuites, balconies, individual sitting areas and a television.
Your partner/support person is welcome in the birthing suite. Soft lighting, music and refreshments are on hand and available at your convenience.
Two birth suites are equipped with a relaxation bath for use during labour. Please ask if these facilities are available when you arrive – unfortunately we are unable to reserve them but will try to accommodate your request.
Numerous supports are available to facilitate birth. These include:
- TENS machines, beanbags, birthing mats, birth balls, birthing beds, showers and aromatherapy units
- Pain relieving medication and inhaled gases, if required. A specialised anaesthetic service is available for epidural anaesthesia, should this be required.
Please note, in the interest of your privacy, staff cannot give out details about the progress of your labour or about your baby’s condition. Family and friends are therefore requested not to phone the birthing suite for information. Instead, it is best to arrange for your partner/support person to contact the persons you wish to keep informed.
Please note, some health insurers only cover the cost of a shared room and an additional charge will be incurred should you request a single room in these cases.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact the Toowoomba Maternity Team.
22 - 36 Scott Street, Toowoomba, 4350
Ph: (07) 4690 4000